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Petr Houdek, Chief Executive Officer, Sales Representative

“I was born for business. It is close to my heart, and I consider myself to be the lucky man who may declare that his job is also his hobby.”

Talking, meeting people, travelling around the world... It all sounds so simple, but managing the company like NOMATECH and selling its machines is definitely no bed of roses. I am mostly responsible for the business activities in Poland and the Baltic states, and I have to say that I absolutely love doing it. Business is close to my heart. It is very simple for me to make new contacts, so my business is always carried out on a friendly basis. That is the way it should be – the client and the businessman, always on the same wave. It is fair-play, just like in my favourite football or table tennis. And I must not forget to mention my greatest passion I am about to share with you – the cars. Ask about any model, whatsoever, and I will tell you everything about it. I know everything there is to know about cars, and I take care of every tiniest screw of my four-wheeled love.

Petr Gregor, Sales Representative

“Ya ponimayu po-russki. It is my job to ensure that the NOMATECH machines work well in the Eastern regions as well.”

The unfathomable ways of man. It happened that I studied a university in Moscow and Russian became my second mother tongue. Thanks to this fact, I am now responsible for complete business services in the Eastern regions at NOMATECH. I am a kind of a “Russian contact” for our team of salesmen and for presenting our company at the Russian-speaking markets. In my job, I mostly appreciate the friendly relationships we have with colleagues and with clients. It is simply who I am. I enjoy good company, the game of whist, being with my big family, and eating good food (especially sweet, so I am glad my wife is such a good cook!).

Herbert Zirm, Sales Representative

"I have been actively involved in the packaging industry since 1994, starting when I first worked for the Swiss company, SIG Pack."

After a ten-year pause where I focused on the trade and transport of heavy machinery and tools, I returned back to packaging technology when I joined NOMATECH in 2017. I am very pleased that our machines at NOMATECH are manufactured with a solid engineering design, modern control systems that guarantee their long life and trouble-free operation. I enjoy speaking to customers and explaining why our packaging machines are better than our competitors.

Nikola Belžíková, Sales Representative

"It is hard to imagine my job title being anything other than sales manager."

Business and sales have accompanied me since a very young age, when I worked part-time as a jewellery seller in a goldsmith's shop. Since then, I have gone through many positions that had a common denominator - sales. Whether it was selling jewellery, antiques, or packaging technology for the last few years, currently NOMATECH brand. I am very communicative, I prefer personal meetings and deal with customers in a friendly manner. I focus on the Czech and Slovak markets.
Another big passion of mine is sports. I like to play beach volleyball or tennis in the summer and badminton or squash in the winter.

Daniel Houdek, Sales Representative

"I have been immersed in the world of packaging machines from a young age, accompanying my parents on business trips around the globe and later spent every summer working in the workshop."

It can be said that NOMATECH raised me, and I view my colleagues as my extended family.

To further develop the family craft, I studied Finance at King’s College in England, which provided me with valuable experience and knowledge of the Anglophone world. I now actively apply this knowledge at NOMATECH, where I work as a sales representative specializing in English-speaking markets. I develop our customer network worldwide from our London sales office.

In my free time, I practice Olympic fencing and play horse Polo.

Jana Gilchrist, Sales Representative

"I have been in the packaging industry for 10 years, focusing mainly on English-speaking customers."

The most important part of my work is an individual approach and a correct understanding of the customer's requirements, resulting in the delivery of equipment that means long-term service and benefit. If the production lines of NOMATECH packaging machines do not meet the criteria of our clients, I will find a suitable solution with our foreign partners.

I also take care of the up-to-dateness of our website.

In my free time, I make wire decorations, I run a non-profit organization Fakt-Um, I like to travel, do sports and I am on a hike around the Czech Republic (IG-posvejchkolemceska).

Hana Kocurová, Head of administration

“I take care that our boys have everything they need. If we work like crazy, we can rest assured that the customers will be satisfied.”

They threw me in water and I learned to swim. This is quite a good description of my early days at NOMATECH, where I started to work after a maternity leave. Those days were nice thanks to a great team, and now I feel like fish in water in the company. I have worked here for more than 15 years, and I know each screw in here. And I want my colleagues to know they can count on me in everything. 

Ing. Jan Chmelík, Programmer

“I am fulfilling my old dream – to design my own machine from the first screw up to the programmes that make it come alive.”

In the past, it was unthinkable that a machine could manage the work of people. Today, it is quite natural. And in the future? Who knows... I am proud that I myself can contribute to the work on raising the bar still higher. At NOMATECH, I participate in the development of machine-robots, and I always think of improving and simplifying the work of people, who will control them. Standard is not my goal. I want our machines to be ever more perfect. I want to take care that everything, from the mechanical elements all the way to the programme equipment, is more powerful than you can even imagine. I work on it every day, and when I’m not working, I relax on the boat, drive around in the jeep, or brew beer. Want some?

Jaroslav Langr, Head electrician and head of service

“No matter how perfect is the machine we design, there will always be a human to control it. And I am here to make that person’s work as easy as possible.”

For 10 years now, I have been in charge of ensuring that the NOMATECH machines have the right sort of energy. I am responsible for their electrical equipment, and moreover, I am in charge of the entire service. It is not an easy job, but I am a beekeeper and as such, I can handle even bigger turmoil. Moreover, working at NOMATECH is perfect. I get the customers’ requirements first hand, and I can immediately project them in my designs of electrical elements, or pass them on to the colleague programmers and designers. It is the aim of all of us to ensure that there is not much work for the service team... No, of course I am exaggerating. Nevertheless, as the head of service, I do mostly wish for high quality machines that are easy to operate for the customers. And we will always be here for them, in case they eventually do need the service.

Marek Bludský, Head technician and mechanic

“I have worked at NOMATECH for a very long time and remember a lot. I know the mechanics of every machine we have ever manufactured by heart.”

I am a fisherman to the core. What I love most is fishing with my daughter by the Labe River in the catch and let go style. I often get carps on the hook that weigh around 20 kilograms, but it’s nothing compared to the NOMATECH machines weighing several tons? Now those are different catches. And before our customers get them on their hooks, I provide for the perfect mechanical construction. Yes, my role at NOMATECH is to provide for complete mechanics and quality of the manufactured machines. I take care of how to shift the machines forward, how to compose their parameters better, or how to solve even the most difficult technical situations. And last but not least, I also test the functionality and limits of our machines myself, so that we know what to improve next time.


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